We were in Amesbury visiting Flatbreads the other day and we drove by the old place. The former Enslin Manor (now Friedman Manor) is no longer our beloved slate blue! It's been re-sided in tan. It could have been a lot worse. Amesbury has fallen victim to Painted Lady syndrome. This occurs when people who live in old Victorians decide to paint them in colors from the gay nineties (That would be the 1890s, just in case I lost you.) in an effort to be more historically accurate. This can result in some eyecatching combinations. (By "eyecatching" I mean, "Rip them out of their sockets and drag them howling down the street.") On the main avenue into town, there have been several perfectly nice houses done over in hideous colors--purple with teal trim, lime and yellow, seafoam green and black, and one in hot pink and maroon. It's a scary drive these days. So, it's nice to know that our condo's new owners didn't take any chances and stuck with something neutral, thus saving our much loved first home that indignity. I wish they'd gone with the slate color again, but for some reason they didn't consult me when they changed it.